Thursday, January 15, 2009

Move/Place Parts by file in Mentor Graphics Expedition.

Requirement :-
To Export and import placement file using keyin command in Expedition.
Use the part place command [pr] in keyin command window.
Expedition does not have a menu option to perform this operation and can be achieved only through key in command.

Command Syntax :-
pr -file="path"/"filename"{-x}

Where :-
pr -file= -> Is the command.
"path" -> Is the path where the the Placement file needs to exported to or to be imported. The default directory is the one where the .pcb file is located.
The path specified needs to be full along with the appropriate drive letter " D:\WDIR\ECR_Change_Boards\" etc...

"filename" -> The default filename is xyplace.dat
NOTE :- The File name can be any name and can be a txt file.Eg.Placement_PCI.txt
{-x} -> The '-x' argument (if supplied) exports the current placement information into the named file and the file contents are overwritten.

File Syntax :-
{.units thinmmum}
ref desig{cellname=cellname} xy rot topbottom {fix lock}
Where :-
.units = line Specifies the units of the design..
NOTE :- Units line is optional. If omitted, the current units settings are used. The line may be specified more than once to change the units on a part by part basis.
! = Comment lines are prefixed with a '!'.
cellname = The cellname need only be supplied if it is different than the default part entry for that part
fix lock = Use this alternatively to fix or lock the placed parts.
NOTE :-. The alternate cellname and the fix and lock flags are optional for any part.

{xy}= Coordinate specified as 'x,y'. Eg 100,-400.
{rot} = The rotation is in degrees.
NOTE :- Not all the parts need to be in the list, only those which you want to move or place.
topbottom = Specifies the side in which the part needs to be placed.

Example placement file :-
.units th
.ref R312 2100,4525 0 bottom
.ref C282 880,2190 0 top
.ref C175 3500,3430 90 bottom
.ref R99 4000,2100 90 bottom
.ref R262 6715,4755 270 top
.ref U77 7560,4045 0 top

Applications :-
1. Reuse of placement from one board to another or within the same Board.
2.Replicate the placement for similar channels.
3.Make standard placement files for parts which carry the same part numbers,refdes and locations.Eg for VME Connectors for a standard VME form factor board either 6U or 3U.
And many more .....

Some more variants of the same command [pr] on parts :-

pr -dist { dx=x,y }{ -cols=n } {-angle=angle} refdes-list
To distribute (autoplace) specified parts outside right edge of board in five (default) columns.
An explanation of the {dx=x,y} option is where x and y are the distance from part to part.
Eg:- pr -dist IC*, U*, RP*

Eg:- pr - dist dx=500,200

pr refdes-list
Place all specified parts one at a time until all placed.
Eg :- pr *

pr {-angle=angle} refdes
Place specified part at given coordinate and optionally at specified angle.
Eg:- pr 200,500 -a=45 IC1
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